Ear, Nose, Throat Care
The multidisciplinary team at Northwest Health - La Porte provides care for conditions that affect the ear, nose and throat. ENT doctors (or otolaryngologists) provide care for everything from endoscopic sinus surgery to the treatment of snoring and sleep disorders, help with voice and swallowing disorders, and the fitting and dispensing of hearing aids.
Northwest Health - La Porte offers a range of services to provide care for:
- Ear infections – Children with persistent or recurrent ear infections may benefit from the placement of temporary tubes in the ear drums (tympanostomy tubes).
- Other ear diseases – With the assistance of audiologists, we treat ear disorders causing hearing loss or ringing in the ears.
- Balance disorders – The team of physicians and audiologists work together to treat vertigo (dizziness) and other balance disorders.
- Nose and sinus disorders – Nasal and sinus disorders, including recurrent sinus infections, nasal polyps, nasal tumors and deviated septum, are evaluated and treated.
- Tonsils and adenoids – Persistent or recurrent tonsil or adenoid infections may require medical or surgical treatment.
- Snoring and sleep disorders – Patients who snore and suffer from sleep apnea are treated with the latest techniques, including advanced surgical procedures if necessary.
- Head and neck masses – In children and adults, any mass, nodule, growth or tumor of the head and neck should be evaluated.
- Facial and nasal fractures – A broken nose – the most common type of facial fracture – can cause severe pain and make it difficult to breathe.
- Thyroid and parathyroid disorders – The thyroid affects the body's metabolism, while the parathyroid helps regulate the amount of calcium produced.
- Voice disorders – The team creates treatment plans that are individualized for each patient's needs.
To find a provider to meet your ear, nose and throat needs, call (219) 325-3770.