Patient Stories
Age: 69
Weight loss: 58 pounds in 8 months
Occupation: Associate Pastor
Jerilyn Channel, age 69, has struggled with her weight since her early thirties. But what brought her to her heaviest and unhealthiest came many years later.

About four years ago, Jerilyn got Rocky Mountain spotted fever, a bacterial disease spread through the bite of an infected tick. The infection caused severe joint pain that diminished her mobility. During her recovery, Jerilyn became depressed. The arrival of the pandemic in 2020 worsened matters, causing her to feel even more depressed. As a result, she was prescribed an antidepressant that contributed to more weight gain.
"It was such a daunting time. I was at my heaviest, 210 pounds. My knees were so bad that my husband was helping me get around. I felt sluggish, and the thought of getting older and heavier was frightening," said Jerilyn. "Then one day I just considered the worst case scenario and thought if this continues where will I be if my husband can't take care of me. That's when I knew I had to do all that I could to get healthier and scheduled an appointment with Northwest Health's bariatric weight loss services."
Jerilyn initially sought information on the bariatric surgery program, but learned she didn't qualify because she wasn't heavy enough. "Then I remember asking, 'Well do you have a program for those who don't qualify for surgery – something to help people like me to achieve our weight loss goals?' And to my surprise and delight they did," shared Jerilyn.
Jerilyn was referred to Dr. Vinay Tumuluri, who is one of the Northwest Health physicians specializing in obesity medicine.
"I remember when I first met Dr. Tumuluri I told him, 'If he would help me, I would help myself.' I wasn't going to put it all on him. I knew I had to do my part," said Jerilyn.
And with his support and guidance, Jerilyn started a special diet, weight management medication and a dedicated exercise regime. She worked hard, did her part and lost 45 pounds in seven months.
"The best part is I feel so much better," said Jerilyn. "Due to my weight loss, my cardiologist reduced my blood pressure medicine, I am no longer getting injections in my knees and my primary care doctor has weaned me off my antidepressant," she shared. "So my knees are loving me, my heart doctor is loving my results and I am singing the praises of Dr. Tumuluri and the Northwest Health medical weight loss program."